The Hyde School
Computer Tech Ed Class Policies, Rules and Consequences
R. Wiegand, instructor
Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters
1) There
is no video game playing or
non-topic internet surfing allowed in class, unless and until:
a) The
student has finished the day’s class assignment
b) The
student is all caught up as far as all outstanding assignments for the quarter
is concerned
c) There
are less than 15 minutes left in the period
Students who are all
caught up with work are encouraged to challenge themselves with extra credit
projects designed and approved by the teacher.
2) Regarding electronic devices. Cell phones must
be put away, they may not be taken out or used during class time. If this rule
is not respected, the teacher will ask the student to give up his phone, which
will be returned to the student by the end of the day at the front
office. Headphones are
not allowed while the teacher is instructing the class or during group
activities – they may only be used at low levels while completing a class
assignment (i.e. to get work done). As with cell phones, the teacher will
retain possession until the end of the day if this rule is not respected.
3) Students are not allowed to roam about the
room, roll around the classroom in their chairs, or talk to peers (unless the
conversation is to help them with the assignment or task at hand). Disturbances of any kind will not be permitted. If the teacher has to ask a student
to refrain from unruly or disturbing behavior, for the first time, it is
considered a WARNING. The second time, the student will get
a “0” for the day on the teacher’s performance
spreadsheet. On the third violation, the teacher will ask the student to leave the room and visit Dean
John Cotten.
4) Students should respect and take care of school property. There are many PCs, monitors, keyboards, mice and
cables in the classroom. There are also
office chairs, desks, books and projectors – all of which are costly to replace
and should not be abused. Students who
are caught tampering or destroying school property will be asked to cover the
cost of replacing damaged school property and will be kept under close
surveillance for destructive behavior, which is not permitted in the classroom.
Grading Policy
The final grade for
each quarter is the average of a student’s
(Citizenship grade + Productivity grade + Academic
grade) divided by 3, or (C + P + A)/3.
Citizenship is how helpful, courteous and respectful
a student is to his peers and to the teacher. Productivity is a measure of how much work a student
gets done during class time. The Academic grade is the weighted average of all assignments/assessments
(some assessments, like a quiz, are weighted more heavily).
Late Submission Policy
Students are usually
expected to submit work within 2 class meetings from the day the project or
task was assigned. If a student falls behind (without a legitimate reason
– such as illness or home related issues), he will receive less credit for the
assignment according to the following lateness schedule:
§ 7 days late = -10 points (so a 95 becomes an 85)
§ 14 days late= -25 points (so a 95 becomes a 70)
§ 20 days late= no credit given, student gets a “0” for the assignment
Plagiarism is not
permitted, period. A “0” will be
given to the student for the entire quarter if caught. This is of special
concern in the digital age, when other sources may easily be copied and pasted
into documents. Students are encouraged to ascribe credit to sources
referred to using MLA or APA format, and using a bibliography or citation
generator available on sites such as
I have read and
understand the policies of the Hyde Computer Tech Ed class:
_______________________ ______________________________
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